
Monday, June 24, 2013

What Is Iron And Why Do We Need It

Today with Mrs Langitupu we had to research about a type of Question that we can explain to the class. Me, Mary V, Roezala, decided to do a question about Iron. We did a poster to explain what Iron means. 

Here are the things that are on the poster.

In the first bar it is talking about what is Iron.
Iron is a mineral needed in your body.It also carries oxygen from our lungs thought our body.

In the second bar its talking about having lees Iron.We need Iron to prevent Iron deficiency anaemia. IDA is cause by having little Iron in your blood. A child with anaemia may have a hard concentrating at school. 

In the third bar it is talking about what types of food Iron is in.
It is important to eat your vegetables and your meat because they are full of Iron.Which helps your body function.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Jessica, Grace, Alexandria Maori DLO

Jessica,Grace,Alexadria DLO from Team 5 PES on Vimeo.

Creative Reflection A,E,V

For this weeks creativity literacy task, we felt excited to choose a Michael Jackson song. Although it was a bit difficult to choose we still ended with a perfect song!

The things that we notices that was  interesting is how we got our movie done quickly. Also how we worked perfectly as a team.

There was nothing horrible about working together.Because we always remembered about staying on tasks and finishing things off.

What we enjoyed was that we had to pick  a Michael Jackson  song and also Finishing on  time.

Stuff we learnt was the different angles of filming.It was a  great help filming because we didn't just use a long shot for our whole movie.

We think next time we need to improve on our animations because we repeated a lot of things. To improve this, we have to plan it properly like who would be animating and what we would be animating.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Math Decimals Game

This game will help me improve and get faster in my Decimals Addition. Also it is heaps of fun and makes learning about Decimals fun and cool.I rate this Decimals Game Five stars!!

Here is the link to the game:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Things About Weet Bix and Nutri Grain

Today with Mrs Nua we were investigating about cereal.We had to see the difference between Weet Bix and Nutri Grain. It was really cool and it was my first time doing something like that before.I hope to do it again.